SCUBA Diving

As a certified diver, I have a deep respect for ocean creatures and am disturbed when I see people causing them harm. Yes, some people really do try to ride sea turtles. This is a light-hearted look at things from the turtle’s point of view.

Keka’s People Problem

450 words STEAM Picture Book

Discussing her people problem with her friends, a sea turtle named Keka learned how they each protect themselves. Trying their methods led to some interesting consequences for Keka and set the lagoon abuzz with gossip.

Making Maracas with the Kids

Seeing music bring my pathologically shy granddaughter out of her shell inspired me to write about three bear cubs being encouraged, by a music lesson, to overcome their fears.


405 words Lyrical Picture Book

Although Buster, Bouncer, and Bijou are afraid of scary noises in the forest, a music lesson encourages them to overcome their fears and explore nature with all five senses.

Cozy fire, comfy chair, a book,

And a dog that wants to snuggle. It’s incredible how long I might sit in an uncomfortable position because I don’t want to disturb my dog.

Five’s A Crowd

208 words Rhyming Picture Book

A comfy chair by the fire looks like the perfect spot for Celeste to relax on a stormy day but it gets a bit crowded when all of her pets want to share it with her.


Who isn’t inspired by Maui? During our many, many visits to the island, we have soaked in the splendor of its natural beauty. This story sings to my soul. Also, I’m a firm believer in getting kids away from their tablets whenever possible.

Malo’s Impossible Quest

500 words Lyrical, Adventure Picture Book

Growing bored with his usual tablet activities, Malo focuses on the live broadcast of a ballgame. After a record-breaking home run ball is magically hit over his head, Malo is sent on a quest from the salty surf to majestic Mount Haleakala and through the luscious rain forest. In this scenic adventure, Malo’s struggles against nature inspire a more active lifestyle.